Questions and Answers

Provide advantages and disadvantages of HTML and XML sitemaps

XML Sitemap Advantages XML Sitemap Disadvantages
  • Helps webcrawlers or spiders index your site.
  • Can improve your site’s SEO.
  • Can provide incorrect information if not updated with changes made to your site.
  • Can be time consuming to create and maintain.
HTML Sitemap Advantages HTML Sitemap Disadvantages
  • Helps people navigate parts of your website that might not be prominently displayed.
  • Can be created easily and updated with backend tools and programs.
  • Can be time consuming to create and maintain without backend tools and software.

Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments)

VSCode VSCode: Is open source and has cross platform compabilities as well as good extensibility through its extensions markplace, has a wide support of programming languages. Its performance can be sluggish especially with bigger programs. VSCode can be suitable for entry level code developers as it’s quite simple to use.
IntelliJ IDEA Excellent support for Java and JVM languages, lots of great features. Can be resource intensive, it cost money if you want the professional version, and it doesn’t have great support for languages outside of JVM languages. IntellIJ can be used by entry level trainees but it does have a larger learning curve than other IDEs.
Sublime Is lightweight and customisable IDE however it doesn’t have as many advanced features you’d find in a true IDE and is a paid product. Sublime can be suitable for entry level code developers but does require some learning to make it work efficiently.

Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

In early web browser development, there were several different and unique technologies used each with their own standards, leading to developers struggling to make websites that worked consistently across all the different browsers. To address these issues web standards were developed to make a common set of rules and guidelines, this allows web developers to develop one website that’ll work across most web browsers.

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Website testing methodologies are different ways of testing the quality, performance, compatibility and functionality of a website. Browser Compatibility: Browser compatibility test a website for functionality, performance and accessibility. It also test for issues that may arise from the use of a different browser or device. Developers can use tools such as Browserling to test your site or you can manually check your site using different devices.

  • Manual testing
  • Automated testing

Website Functionality: Website functionality test a website for functionality, to see if it works the way it was intended. You can manually test website functionality by using it and seeing if it works the way it was intended, you can also do automated testing, there are many different solutions to test website functionality.

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • User acceptance
  • Performance testing

What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

The NTG has endorsed the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)

How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

I believe the best way to organise assets for a specific webpage is dedicated and organised folders. A new folder specially for your website itself, then sub-folders within it to store css, javascript and image files.